Yoga means balance between body and mind. Traditionally yoga focuses on finding mental balance using the body, the breath, yoga psychology and relaxation techniques. In the West yoga has developed as a form of exercise, however there is a lot more to yoga than the asanas (yoga postures) we traditionally learn in the West. Combining mindfulness techniques with Yoga means focusing on the body, the breath and the asanas in order to practice being in the present moment. Yoga gently stretches and strengthens the body and calms the mind.
Who is yoga for? The simple answer is everyone. We are all striving for healthier and more balanced lives and yoga can provide this. Yoga is not about being super-flexible and being able to contort your body into impossible shapes. Yoga is about accepting your body and your mind as it is, working with what you have and learning to find balance between body and mind. Often it is the people who think they can’t do yoga, who will benefit the most. These yoga classes are suitable for beginners, as well as more experienced practitioners with plenty of variations to the traditional postures to practice in class and at home.
Where did Jane train? Jane trained at a traditional Indian ashram, Yoga Vidya Gurukul, where students live the complete yogic lifestyle whilst training. The training was focused on much more than just the yoga postures. The course also covered yoga as physical therapy (e.g. back pain and other physical limitations), yoga psychology (yoga for stress, anxiety and other psychological issues), meditation and relaxation techniques. Jane has a 250-hour teacher training diploma in Yoga Education from Yoga Vidya Gurukul University and is fully insured to teach and train.